Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Online photo sharing

Its interesting to see online photo sharing also pushed as good way to back up digital photos.

Had a look at some of the photos of the State Library on Flickr. Was fascinated to see how the library can look when photos are taken from unusual angles. Its interesting to see what people take photos of and then what they upload.

Took a look at Flickr images through 'Picture Australia'. Tried the search 'Brisbane'. I was amazed at the variety of pictures available, from panoramic views to old photos to artistic shots of over-flowing gutters on a rainy night. Very impressive.

Been having a look at the Smithsonian Institution's "Commons" photos. I was interested to see that they have recently uploaded a number of portraits and are asking for help from the Flickr community in gaining more information on these people.

This photo is called Lighting enTrails / Tunnel Trails / Tunnel Vision. It is a photo of one of the tunnels that run under Brisbane. I always been fascinated by this although I have never seen them myself. I loved the lighting effect.

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