Thursday, June 25, 2009


I first starting using LibraryThing since 2007 after it was presented at an Emerging Technology session. I thought it was a good way to organsie my books at home, as it is an ever expanding collection. To begin with I was very enthusiastic and quite particular about the information used to describe my books. My use of it then petered out but doing this has got me back interested in it.

I've added some more books and looked at some of the functions that weren't available in 2007. There is one where you can bring up the entire series written by an author, and then add books from this series to your library. I've found this one quite useful because I have a number of series that I began to add, and have since had further books published. It was an easy way to add these books.

I also checked out Shelfari and Gurulib. I found that Shelfari was very similar to LibraryThing. I was impressed with GuruLib because it doesn't just limit itself to books, it also allows you to catalogue music, videos/DVDs, computer games and much more. For someone who likes to keep everything in order I was very impressed with this. If I wasn't already a member of LibraryThing, and I don't want another account, I think I would prefer Gurulib because of the larger range of items you can catalogue.

Finally I had fun adding a LibraryThing widget to my blog.

1 comment:

  1. I did not look closely at Gurulib. From what you have written it sounds interesting and worth second look. Thanks for the info.
